Returns Policy

We happily accept returns of UNUSED AND UNDAMAGED products that can be resold. You can return any product for any reason and get a full refund only if it is received within 90 days of your purchase date. You will be refunded for the price of the product only. We do not pay for any return shipping fees, nor do we refund the original shipping fees. 

You can request a return online by clicking here. If you prefer, you can also email us or call our toll-free number (844) 833-3257.

Send your returned merchandise to our warehouse in Ogdensburg, NY. We do not accept any returns from UPS or FedEx unless it is prepaid by you. If you are a Canadian customer you must send your return to our Ottawa, Ontario office.

Please include a copy of your invoice with the item being returned and mark “Returned Goods” in a prominent location on the package. Please Note: We do not accept any products which were purchased at one of our dealer stores. You must return your goods back to the store you bought it from.

  • You MUST call our toll-free number (844) 833-3257 and obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number for your return.
  • You MUST include a copy of the original invoice with the quantity of returned items placed inside the box.
  • You MUST write your RMA number on the original invoice included with the package. This should also be on the outside of the box.
  • All return shipments MUST BE consigned as follows:   

Strader-Ferris Int'l,

c/o DecksGo

808 Commerce Park Drive,

Ogdensburg, NY 13669

Telephone: (315) 394-0051  

  • In the case of multi-carton shipments, they should be clearly marked "1 of 3", "2 of 3", and so on.
  • If these steps are not followed, you will be subject to a 25% restocking fee.
Damaged or Deffective Items

Contact us immediately if your order arrives damaged, or if an item does not meet your expectations. A photograph is required to prove your claim. We will, at our own expense, send out a replacement.


We will exchange goods which have not been used and are received by us within 90 days of the purchase date on the invoice. The customer must obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number by calling (844) 833-3257 or by emailing and follow the return procedures. A shipping charge will be applied for delivering the replacement goods. 

If you need to exchange items that qualified for free shipping on the initial order, please note you will be required to pay the flat rate shipping fee on the exchanged shipment. Please call our toll-free number if you need clarification. 


Contact us immediately if you want to cancel an order. Our office hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Please have your sales receipt number on hand when you call. This will speed up the cancellation process.

Although we will do our best to cancel your order at once, our ability to do so depends on when the order was placed and when you contact us to cancel it. We therefore cannot guarantee that we will be able to cancel your order before it ships. If you request a cancellation AFTER you have received the FedEx tracking email and you refuse delivery when your order arrives it will be returned to us eventually by FedEx. We will still refund your purchase but not the original or return shipping fees under such circumstances.