Our regular FedEx Ground delivery gets product anywhere in the lower 48 states between 1 and 6 business days.
We have a simplified "FREE when $349 or More" shipping program to the lower contiguous 48 states.
Orders less than $349 are subject to a modest graduated shipping fee.
In this time of rising fuel costs we are working hard to ease the burden of getting our goods to you as quickly and as affordably as possible.
Orders received between Monday and Friday are processed on the next business day. Orders received on Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday (Eastern Time) are usually processed on Monday. A business day is a regular work day. Business days do not include weekends or statutory holidays.
We have no control over our shipping partners, their operations, or events that affect their delivery schedules. We, therefore, do not guarantee on-time delivery. We offer daily shipping to all US (lower 48) states using FedEx Ground service. We also can offer a 2 or 3 day FedEx air service. Call us for any special order delivery instructions and a quote at 844-833-3257.
We do offer UPS and Postal Service (Air) for international shipping. If you have further questions about our international shipping please contact us for a quote.
All our shipping programs exclude Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, United States Virgin Islands. For shipping to these locations, you must call for a shipping quote.
We do not deliver to US post office boxes or US military APO/FPO Addresses. We require a physical address for FedEx to deliver to. We are not responsible if you choose to ship your order via FedEx to a USPS PO Box or Military APO/FPO address and your order is returned to us as undeliverable. An additional fee will be charged to reship your goods to a deliverable street address.
If you choose to cancel your order after an instance of non-delivery, we will deduct the original shipping fee from your refund.
We are not responsible for customer errors in delivery address entry or delivery method. Please review your order and contact us immediately if you find mistakes.
If you or your designated recipient are not home to accept your parcel, and the FedEx delivery person cannot find a secure drop point for it, he or she may make up to two additional attempts to deliver your package.
We are not responsible if you or your designated recipient is absent during any delivery attempts and, as a result, FedEx returns the package to us as undeliverable. In such a case, an additional fee will apply to reship your package. If you choose to cancel your order after an instance of non-delivery, we will deduct the original shipping fee from your refund.
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